2×2 WDM

2×2 WDM

2×2 WDM is a single mode fused fiber optical coupler that combines or separates signals at two different wavelengths. This coupler is available in 1310 & 1550 nm dual window, 980 nm, and 1060 nm operating windows. Newport’s fused fiber single mode WDMs offer low insertion loss, high isolation, low polarization dependence and excellent environmental stability.

1. Low insertion loss

Newport’s single-mode WDMs are designed to separate or combine optical signals at their indicated operating wavelengths, allowing bi-directional communication on a single fiber. These devices have very low insertion loss and excellent environmental stability. They are often used as pump-signal combiners for 980nm laser-based EDFA.

The coupling ratio of a optical coupler defines the amount of input power that is coupled into each output port. Input power that is not coupled into the output ports is lost internally on the passive device as insertion loss, directivity (or optical return loss), and excess loss.

This 2×2 1550 nm single-mode dual window wideband coupler is specially designed to 2×2 WDM be used with CWDM MUX DEMUX for transport PDH, SDH / SONET, and ETHERNET services over DWDM, CWDM, and WWDM infrastructures in metro edge and access networks. It offers excellent insertion loss, isolation and environmental stability and can be used for optical communication, HFC & fiber sensors, and other telecommunication applications.

The insertion loss of this fused wdm is less than 0.30 dB. The test data is based on 8-sample measurements without connectors and 250um bare fibers.

2. High isolation

Mooseline single mode 1310/1550 1X2 2X2 single-mode fiber optic WDM combines or separates signals at different wavelengths, offering very low insertion loss, low polarization dependence and high isolation. They are ideal for optical amplifiers, optical filters and fiber Bragg grating sensors.

The WDM system uses wavelengths spaced 20 or 0.8 nanometers apart to carry multiple signals over a single optical fiber. It can be used to double the capacity of existing optical networks or to enable new fiber local area network (LAN) services. WDM is also an efficient way to manage traffic growth by eliminating the need for costly upgrades to the underlying transmission infrastructure.

WDM offers inherent scalability by enabling the use of different protocols within a single network. However, there are some challenges associated with WDM, such as signal distortion due to dispersion and nonlinearity, and high-power consumption. Optical isolators and couplers help to mitigate these issues by providing high isolation and low power consumption.

3. Low polarization dependence

In multimode fiber, the power coupling of two signals into one output is mainly dependent on the polarization state. This limits the performance of such a coupler, unless all input signals are orthogonally polarized. However, in some applications, such a restriction can be overcome by using polarization-maintaining couplers.

Newport offers a range of single-mode polarization-maintaining fused taper based optical fiber couplers with operating wavelengths ranging from 1310 to 1550 nm. These components data center offer low insertion loss, low polarization dependence and high isolation making them well suited for use in CATV, WDM networks, Fiber sensors and coherence communication.

Most types of optical couplers work only within a limited bandwidth, because their coupling strength is wavelength-dependent (and often also polarization-dependent). This is true for fused couplers as well, but they are special in that the inserted power is equal for both output ports irrespective of the polarization direction of the signal. This makes them especially suitable for use in optical amplifiers to combine the pump and signal input without significant losses. The polarization-maintaining nature of these devices is achieved by melting the taper.

4. High environmental stability

Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) is a key technology for modern optical fiber communication systems. It uses different wavelengths of light to carry multiple data signals simultaneously on a single fiber, and offers scalability and efficiency by maximizing the capacity of existing infrastructure.

WDM devices separate and combine optical signals using a variety of techniques. Single mode WDMs can be manufactured using fused biconical taper or a combination of two fused couplers, and all have low insertion loss and excellent environmental stability. They are suitable for EDFA, CATV and telecommunications applications.

DWDM is an important component for optimizing fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks, allowing internet service providers to maximize bandwidth and minimize infrastructure costs. It also provides inherent scalability, enabling network providers to adapt to changing bandwidth demands without costly expansion or reconfiguration.

5. High power handling

Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) is a communication technology that enables higher data transmission capacity by allowing multiple wavelengths to use the same optical fiber. It works at the physical layer of a network, adding additional bandwidth without requiring new cables or upgrading existing ones.

WDM can also be combined with advanced network management and monitoring capabilities to ensure high-quality data transmission. The result is a unified optical network that is efficient, cost-effective, and flexible.

Single mode 2×2 WDM couplers combine two input signals into a single output signal using resonant interaction between the cores of the fibers. The interaction varies with the length of the optical fiber and the wavelength of the light. This resonant interaction results in the light interfering constructively, resulting in an additive combination of power at the output port. Mooseline single-mode 2×2 WDM couplers feature low insertion loss, low polarization dependence, and high environmental stability. They are widely used in optical networks, fiber sensors, and fiber optic testing equipment.