Mint Extract Homemade Recipe

Mint Extract

Mint Extract Homemade Recipe

Unlike store-bought extracts, this homemade recipe is all natural and additive free. It also has a customizable strength that can be increased or decreased as desired.

Place washed mint leaves in a glass jar and bruise them with a muddler or spoon, to release the oils. Add vodka, cover and shake. Steep in a dark pantry for 6-8 weeks.


Mint extract is a popular ingredient that adds a fresh, invigorating taste to a variety of foods and beverages. It is ideal for sweet treats such as cookies, cakes, and brownies, as well as drinks like iced tea and mint flavored cocktails. It also enhances savory dishes, such as salad dressing and sauces.

Homemade mint extract is a delicious alternative to store-bought versions that contain artificial flavorings and preservatives. It is easy to make and requires only two ingredients: fresh garden mint and vodka. This homemade mint extract can last up to a year when stored in a dark, cool place.

This recipe uses a combination of peppermint and spearmint leaves to create an aromatic, refreshing flavor. You can also use other varieties of mint to produce a different flavor profile. However, you should be aware that substitutes will have a different flavor intensity and may impact the final product.

To make this extract, start with freshly harvested mint leaves that have the highest concentration of essential oils. Pat them dry and remove any burnt or damaged leaves. Then, fill a clean glass jar with enough vodka to completely cover the mint leaves. Close the jar and store it in a dark, cool place for 6 weeks. Shake the jar occasionally to ensure that the leaves are fully submerged in the alcohol. After the steeping period, taste the extract to determine if it is strong enough for your liking. If necessary, continue steeping for a longer duration until the extract reaches your desired flavor.


Mint extract is a natural preservative, which can help prevent the spoilage of foods. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of molds, yeasts, and other microorganisms. This effect may be due to the presence of compounds such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. Studies Mint Extract have also found that mint extract can protect against lipid oxidation, an important cause of food spoilage.

To make your own mint extract, place fresh or dried mint leaves in a clean jar and muddle them a bit. Use a muddler or wooden spoon to bruise the leaves and release some of their oils. Then, fill the jar with vodka and shake it every day. Make sure that the jar is completely covered and store it in a dark cabinet. After a month, strain the liquid through cheesecloth or muslin and transfer it to a clean bottle or jar. Label it with the date and contents.

Alternatively, you can substitute the vodka with food-grade vegetable glycerine. Mix the glycerine with water and pour it over the mint leaves. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark Mint Extract place for several weeks. This mint extract makes a great homemade gift for the bakers in your life. A cutely labeled bottle of this homemade extract is sure to impress. Pair it with a homemade vanilla extract, and you’ll have a lovely, classy gift basket that will be appreciated by all of your friends and family.

Health benefits

Mint extract is an excellent ingredient to add flavor and invigorate beverages, desserts and sauces. The plant also has a number of health benefits, including reducing indigestion and masking bad breath. It can also improve brain function and boost the immune system.

You can make your own mint extract at home using a few simple ingredients. This recipe can be used in a variety of recipes, from iced tea to cocktails and desserts. It makes a great gift for friends and family who enjoy baking or cooking. It is best to use a clean, sterilized glass bottle with a lid that is airtight. It will keep well in a cool and dark place for up to a year.

The menthol in mint may help relieve the symptoms of hay fever and seasonal allergies by relaxing the muscles in the respiratory tract. It also stimulates salivary enzymes, which aids the digestive process. The herb is also a source of flavonoid rosmarinic acid, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Peppermint and spearmint are two closely related plants that belong to the genus Mentha. However, they have different menthol concentrations. While peppermint oil is a powerful flavor enhancer, you should avoid it if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure.


Mint extract is a popular flavoring and fragrance used in many food products, including candy canes, mint chocolate chip cookies, and herbal tea. It also serves as a breath freshener and can be added to household cleaners. Its antiseptic properties can also help keep insects and spiders out of the house. It is important to note that peppermint extract is not a cure for any illness and should be used with caution. Using peppermint extract in moderation is safe for most people, but long-term use may cause problems with stomach acid.

Peppermint extract is a combination of peppermint oil and alcohol. It is usually sold in small glass bottles and is used in cooking and baking to add a refreshing minty taste. Its menthol content can help soothe indigestion, headaches, and aches, but it is not intended to treat any specific disease or condition. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using any herbal supplements.

When making homemade mint extract, it is a good idea to use peppermint leaves that are free from wilting or discoloration. It is also important to use a high-proof alcohol such as vodka or bourbon, which will preserve the scent and flavors of the mint. You should also make sure that the bottles you use are clean and sterilized. A strainer or cheesecloth is also necessary for removing the leaves and ensuring a smooth, debris-free extract. Homemade mint extract is a great gift for friends and family, especially during the holidays. It can be combined with other homemade extracts such as vanilla or chocolate to create a delicious, gourmet gift basket.