Optical Module PCB and Its Applications

Optical Module PCB and Its Applications

Optical Module PCB is an essential component in the data communication industry. It is widely used in various fields such as 5G, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

In order to minimize the degradation of high-speed signals caused by long electrical connections, one solution is to use onboard optics (OBO). This shortens the connection distance between the engine and switching chip.

High-speed transmission

The optical module is a device that converts electrical signals into optical signals. It consists of optical transmitter, optical receiver and electronic functional circuitry. Optical modules have many applications in data communications. With the rapid growth of big data, blockchain, cloud computing, Internet of Things and 5G, there is a huge demand for high-speed transmission of data. This has led to the development of optical transceiver integrated modules.

These modules can support up to 25Gb/s in both transmitting and receiving. They can be used in a variety of applications, including long-distance fiber communications. They also enable data to be transferred across multiple PCBs. Unlike copper, optical signals don’t need to pass through a switch or router, which allows for more bandwidth.

Optical modules are an essential component of the optical network and can increase performance by up to 10 times. They are a cost-effective solution for increasing bandwidth and improving the reliability of the optical network. The Optical Module PCB must be designed to ensure that the components don’t cause interference with other devices. It must also be free of thermal stress, electrical noise, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and other defects.

To avoid interference, the optical module must not be placed near other electrical devices. It must also be positioned in such a way that it cannot interfere with the tail fiber of Optical Module PCB the optical connector. It is also important that the module’s pins don’t enter into the insertion and extraction forbidden area of the fiber connector.

Lower electrical noise

The communication optical module pcb is a high-speed printed circuit board that transmits data signals at various bit rates. It consists of multiple optoelectronic devices and fiber optic connectors. Its reliability and stability stem from the use of advanced technology and materials. In addition, it can withstand high-frequency AC signals. This ensures that the transmission of data is not affected by electromagnetic interference or other factors.

Optical modules PCB are used in data centers, telecom networks Optical Module PCB Supplier and other applications. The demand for optical modules is expected to rise with the implementation of 5G access network architecture. The new architecture will require higher data rates and greater densities.

It is important to avoid ESD damage to optical components because it can cause the failure of the device within a short period of time. To avoid this, it is best to transport them in an ESD package and take full ESD precautions. It is also a good idea to floorplan the circuit board so that the return paths for low and high frequency signals do not cross each other, which can cause crosstalk.

The development of optical modules has driven the advancement of PCB technology. AT&S has developed appropriate technologies for these high-speed modules, including 1.6T optical modules and Co-Packaged Optics (CPO). It has collaborated with renowned manufacturers worldwide to develop appropriate PCB designs for optical modules. In addition, it has developed high-speed copper metallization processes and a low-roughness brown oxide process to reduce thermal resistance and improve heat dissipation.


The reliability of optical modules can be improved by reducing the number of mechanical components in the module, minimizing the number of connections between them, and using high-quality materials. The quality of the electronic components in the module is also important to ensure that signals are transmitted accurately and with minimal delay.

A conventional optical module typically includes multiple small circuit boards and various mechanical sub-components that must be individually handled, inserted, and aligned to provide the required alignment tolerances. The assembly process is largely manual and subject to human error, which increases the cost of producing the optical module. It would be advantageous if the optical module could be assembled using standard semiconductor assembly equipment, in a form factor that allows it to be stored in industry standard component trays that are used by most available semiconductor handling equipment.

A preferred embodiment of an electro-optical sub-assembly (EOSA) is shown in FIG. 3. The EOSA is comprised of a flexible printed circuit board (flex PCB) 14 that provides interconnections for electrical signals, and an array of connectors 16 that may be soldered to the flex PCB. The EOSA is configured for use in a twelve-channel transceiver module, and is fabricated to include a set of electro-optical devices 19 a disposed on one or more of the flex PCB paddles 52 a. The EOSA is connected to the interface component 20 b by wire-bonding the devices with a die-attach material 29 such as silver epoxy (a typical conductive die-attach material) or a solder joint.


The demand for optical modules in 5g access networks is increasing. The demand is expected to reach 40 million units by 2020. The demand is mainly driven by the need to support high-speed data transmission and lower electrical noise. This increase in demand will lead to the development of new technologies and will require more sophisticated PCBs. Optical module PCBs are small electronic components that convert optical signals into electric ones and vice versa. They consist of optoelectronic devices, functional circuits, and optical interfaces. They are categorized into optical transmitting modules, optical receiving modules, and optical transceiver integrated modules according to their functions.

The design of optical module PCBs requires close attention to layout and spacing requirements. This is especially important when using high pin count components that have multiple lanes and require hundreds of Gbps of data to travel across the board. These components are typically packaged as BGAs, and the distances between their pins should be analyzed for maximum functionality.

In addition to reducing the size of optical modules, innovative new coupling methods are helping to reduce the cost and complexity of optical modules. These methods are based on micromirror devices containing parabolic mirrors that can be embedded into the PCB using passive assembly. Some are even self-aligning, allowing the modules to be placed directly on the substrate. These new technologies have the potential to dramatically reduce the size and cost of optical modules, and they will enable PCBs to carry more data over longer distances.