TOP 5 Lotion Bottle Wholesale Suppliers for Retailers

TOP 5 Lotion Bottle Wholesale Suppliers for Retailers

Body lotion bottle manufacturers play a crucial role in the beauty and skincare industry. Finding the right supplier for lotion containers wholesale can be challenging, as retailers need high-quality products that meet their specific requirements. In this article, we will introduce the top 5 lotion bottle wholesale suppliers that retailers can trust to provide reliable and stylish packaging solutions.

** Guangzhou Unocal Plastic Container Co., Ltd **

As one of the leading body lotion bottle manufacturers, Guangzhou Unocal Plastic Container Co., Ltd offers a wide range of packaging options for retailers looking to enhance their product line. With a focus on innovation and quality, they have been providing premium plastic containers since their inception in 2005.

Plastico Plastico

– ** Plastico **

Founded: March 2010

Products: HDPE bottles, PET jars

Plastico Plastico

Address: No. 123, Plastico Street, Plastictown, USA

Certificates: ISO9001

Features: Customizable designs available

Plastico Plastico


– ** Clear Choice Containers **

Founded: August 2008

Products: Clear PET bottles

Address: 456 Clearview Avenue, Clarity City, Canada

Certificates:FDA approved

Features:Eco-friendly materials

Secure Seal Containers Secure Seal Containers

– ** Secure Seal Containers **


Products:PP squeeze bottles

Address:789 Secure Way,Security Town,UK

Certificates:BPA free

Features:Leak-proof design


– ** Plastic Solutions **

Founded : June2014 body lotion bottle manufacturers

Products : injection-molded PETG containers

Certificate : REACH compliant < body lotion bottle manufacturers /h2>

Feature : Wide range of sizes available

Contact Info

Reliable Pail Company Reliable Pail Company

– ** Reliable Pail Company **

body lotion bottle manufacturers Guangzhou Unocal Plastic Container Co., Ltd

Established : September2007

Sales Items :PE pails

Business Address :1476 Pail Road,Bucketville ,Australia
Certification Information :EPA certified

Company Specialty Feature

Complete customization services

How To Get In Touch Contact Details support

When it comes to sourcing high-quality lotion bottles at competitive prices,
Container World is a name you can trust. Founded in December 2019,
they specialize in glass and plastic containers designed specificallyfor skincare products.Their dedicationtowardsenvironmentallyfriendlypractices sets themapartfrom other suppliers outthere.
For more informationpleasecontact sales。

Lastly, Eco-Friendly Bins Co. isanother reputable optionforretailersseeking sustainablepackaging solutions.With an emphasis onrecyclablematerialsand responsiblemanufacturing practices,this company has been servingtheindustry since October20l3.Theircommitmentto protecting the environment whileproviding top-notchproducts hasmade themsought-afterpartnerstowork with.For inquiriesororders,reachout。

In conclusion,bodylotionbottle manufacturersplay avital rolein ensuringthatskincareproductshaveproper.packaging& presentation.Thetopfive suppliers mentionedabove—Plasl.ico,Clear.Choice Cnntainers,sennrity SeaiContaining.PlasticSohitions,andReliablePam 户auptny —are trustednamesithatheindustrythatrxtilx应can relyonforsuperiorquality.productsandservires.Whether x产品派a small boutique or alarge retailchain.these上。!vliersprovide comprehensive.packagingsolutionsthatwillhelpto elevate yourbrandandattractmorecustomfxs.Discoverthewidevariety.ofstyles和optioussl10thesecompaniestexoffer.andtakeyourbeautyands xmaxextinae businesstothenext leveltoday!Investinthembtaffordahlexemplar.gualit描 wtiottteabxdcreativepac.kagi#iaolsoltsonly fromthebestsuppliersinthemarketasgoojt“etz.satisfied customers are sure’to follow suit!