VEIVOT 48CH Athermal AWG Mux/Demux For Metro Access and Data Centers

48ch AAWG

VEIVOT 48CH Athermal AWG Mux/Demux For Metro Access and Data Centers

VEIVOT provides 48CH 100GHz Athermal AWG Mux/Demux in Gaussian or flat-top profile for metro access and data centers. This passive module uses silica-on-silicon planar technology with athermal design and packaging that requires no electrical power and temperature control.

This Integrated AWG Demultiplexer product combines both athermal AWG demultiplexers and terminal PD arrays for channel monitor. The 2:98 tap power split design eliminates the need for additional discrete demultiplexer beyond the trunk line.

Optical Performance

Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) multi/de-multiplexers combine and split optical signals of different wavelengths, commonly used in WDM systems. They are sensitive to temperature changes and require power for stabilization. This study performed reliability tests and accelerated life test to verify the stability of a 96-channel athermal AWG and predict its service life. Based on Telcordia-GR-1209 and GR-1221, the athermal AWG passed five items 48ch AAWG including vibration, temperature cycling, high-temperature storage and power supply test. The center wavelength shift and insertion loss variation of the athermal AWG was less than +-0.05 nm and less than +-0.2 dB, respectively.

GEZHI provides a series of customized AAWG DWDM MUX/DEMUX devices packaged in 19″ 1U rack mount to meet the requirements on spectrum shape, port configuration (1310nm and monitoring ports available), operating wavelength, fiber type, fiber length, input connector, and output connector. These products are available with SM, MM, and PM fibers and have both LC and MPO connector interfaces to suit customer needs.

POINTek has a proven track record of developing and packaging AAWG, and it now offers integrated DWDM modules in different spectrum types and channel counts, from 20 GHz to 50 GHz. These DAWG-based devices are suitable for various applications, from legacy DWDM networks to 5G wireless fronthaul connectivity. They are ideal for reducing the power consumption and volume of DWDM networks while delivering outstanding optical performance.


opelink 48ch AAWG is an ideal DWDM MUX/DEMUX Rackmount for long-distance signal transmission such as CT 5G, MAN, backbone network and data center. Compared with traditional TFF (Thin Film Filter) products, the opelink DWDM AAWG module does not require any additional power supply or temperature control and is a pure passive component. It also features low polarization-related loss and crosstalk, making it ideal for long-distance optical communication applications.

The opelink athermal AWG DWDM device uses silica-on-silicon planar technology and has no electrical power consumption, making it the ideal solution for DWDM systems that require superior performance and reliability. It operates at 50GHz spacing ITU grid DWDM wavelengths from C15 to H62 and provides easy fiber handling, long term stability and excellent channel isolation in a 1U 19″ rack-mount package.

The opelink DWDM AAWG is available with Gaussian and Flat Top chip options, and can be offered in a compact box packaging or a 19″ 1U rack-mount package. It can be further customized to include monitoring ports or extended ports for other bands. In addition, all opelink DWDM AAWG modules meet RoHS requirements and are Telcordia qualification tested.


48ch AAWG uses an athermal design and packing which means no external circuit control is needed. This makes the wavelength independent to environmental temperatures. Therefore, it is Network Server suitable for high-density DWDM systems. The planar DWDM components (Thermal/Athermal AWG) from Flyin Optronics are fully qualified according to Telcordia’s reliability assurance requirements for fiber optic and opto-electronic components (GR-1221-CORE/UNC, Generic Reliability Assurance Requirements for Fiber Optic Branching Components).

The accelerated life test results show that 96-channel 50 GHz-spacing athermal AWG MUX/DEMUX rackmount has excellent reliability without failure under harsh environment. This proves its ability to operate in high-temperature environment and ensures its long-term use in optical communication networks.

In the temperature cycling test, the insertion loss variation of channels 1 to 96 was 0.25 dB at 71 degC, 83 degC, and 95 degC, and is stable against temperature changes. In the low-temperature storage reliability test, the center wavelength shift and insertion loss variation of all channels were within 0.030 nm and 0.35 dB, respectively, which is satisfactory.

The athermal AWG also has a good performance under low-temperature conditions, with the lowest insertion loss 0.80 dB at -40 degC and 0.3 dB at 85 degC. The thermal expansion and contraction is also small, which can protect the internal components from damage caused by extreme temperature variations. The athermal DWDM component’s reliability is a key factor for the safe operation of fiber communication networks.

Temperature Compensation

As the temperature changes, the center wavelength of an AWG shifts. To compensate for this, the athermal AWG is designed with a special structure. A wedge-shaped hole is inserted in the main guiding structure, and a pair of bolts (made from Invar) are attached to both ends of this hole. These bolts have a temperature expansion coefficient similar to that of the AWG, and therefore, when the bolts are tightened, they prevent the AWG from changing its focus point.

The other way to solve this problem is by inserting special optical materials into the guiding structure. These materials have thermal dispersions opposite to the ones of the main guiding structure. Thus, the AWG can correct the wavelength shift caused by the thermal sensitivity of the rest of the system. This is known as single compensation.

The athermal AWG with this temperature compensation system has been successfully tested in a wide temperature range. The insertion loss and center wavelength shift are very stable at temperatures ranging from -40 degC to 85 degC. This makes it possible to use the athermal AWG for 1G100G DWDM data transmission on all channels of the DWDM network. POINTek is supplying globally athermal AAWG-based filters with various spectrum types and channels including CWDM and WDM-PON enabling dual-band DWDM filters in customer-specific form factors.